What To Do in Argao, Cebu
You can do a lot of things when in the alluring town of Argao, in Southern Cebu. First, you need to know how to get there!
Based on the recent data we collected, here's the estimated fare from Cebu South Bus Terminal in Cebu City to Argao:
Buses (aircon)
(Cebu South Bus Terminal)
(Cebu South Bus Terminal)
Mini Buses
(Cebu South Bus Terminal)
"Habal-habal" Ride
Vicinity of Argao
*Fares vary depending on the destination point.
Attactions in Argao
Balay Sa Agta
An interesting destination in Argao is the Agta Cave. “Agta” is drive term in Cebuano describing a huge, dark and pipe smoking Human like creature in Philippines myth. The cave is thought to be house of the Agta. This cave, will give a challenging adventure, an experience that neophyte mountaineers or adventurers will exactly never forget. Passing with challenging trail leading towards the Cave, a rewarding cool temperature inside the cave awaits with the darkness that fills the mystery of experiencing inside. An interesting shapes and rock formation (stalagmites and stalactites) sparkles as you flash lights on them. Considering the value of ecological balance where numbers of bats can be found. In the end of the cave, highlights by the rock formation that looks exactly like a tobacco puffing Agta ( a giant black creature in Philippine Myth). You can observe this rock formation when you turn off you flashlights. It has been presumed that no matter how people tried to take photo of this Agta nobody has really captured a clear one.
Bugasok Falls
Another perfect destination for camp site and trekking, on the list of one their hidden natural tourist spots is the Bugasok Falls. If you are looking for ways to be one with nature, this is the place to be. Giving a chance to reflect and complete freshen up your perspectives. Argao will never fail your expectations to the perfect placed for a peaceful trip. The serenity of the place offers peerless solace. With a magical form of water it has to offer, it invites the different activities and the waterfalls adventure opens the distinct species of birds the place has to offer. An experience worth your escapade for. You will never regret this view in Argao.
Maria Cacao of Mt. Lantoy

It is the diwata (fairy) or mountain goddess associated with Mount Lantoy in Argao, Cebu, Philippines, and is a prominent example of the mountain-goddesses motiff in Philippine mythology, other prominent examples being Maria Makiling of Los BaƱos and Maria Sinukuan of Mount Arayat. The basic form of the legend is that whenever rains flood the river that comes from Mount Lantoy, or a bridge is broken, this is a sign that Maria Cacao and her husband Mangao have either traveled down the river in their golden ship so that they can export their crops, or traveled up the river on their way back.She is supposed to live inside a cave in the mountain and the Cacao plants outside it are supposed to be her plantation.
Riverstone Castle
It is situated in a strategic location away from the main road and into the steep areas of Argao to ensure a commune with nature.The castle resort was formed in April year 2002 by the Galeos Brothers, Edgar & Edsel. It was first developed as a family children's park and then the family agreed to have it develop into an ecotourism industry. Now, Argao has a lavishly tropical castle resort.
San Miguel Arcangel Parish Church
At the moment, the two-storey old church made of coral stones features a well maintained complex that was protected by a fort. What remain of the solid wall is a bastion of the residence and a gate facing the sea. Inside the church, you’ll find 5 altars. The main altar contains 3 life-size statues of archangels: St. Michael, St. Raphael and St. Grabriel. The pedestals are adorned with angels. Cherubim heads and seraphs were also used as decoration. You’ll find floral designed pillars, choir loft and altars. Another beautiful feature of the church is the paintings you’ll see on the ceiling. Painted in the 20th century, the artwork illustrates biblical passages, activities of angels and archangels in human life and in the bible. The designs were equally painted by an unknown Boholano artist and Cebuano painter Raymundo Francia.
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